At Harbor Point, we believe that baptism is a cause for celebration. We hold in-service baptisms throughout the year to celebrate together as a church family. Baptism is an important step in your journey as a follower of Jesus and an outward symbol of the work He has already done in your life.

learn more about baptism

  • Baptism is a significant Christian act that is an outward expression of an inner transformation through Jesus Christ. Through baptism, a person identifies with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection. Through baptism, believers also make a public proclamation to others of a decision that's been made internally. (See Romans 6:3-5)

  • Baptism does not bring about salvation for an individual, but it is an important next step to take once someone has become a follower of Jesus. In the Bible, we see Jesus both modeling baptism and directing others to be baptized. We also see baptism practiced by members of the early church. (See Matthew 3:13–17, Matthew 28:18–20, Acts 8:12)

  • There is no prescribed timeline in Scripture that speaks to when someone should be baptized. When the believer is ready to take this next step, they should move forward in this act of faith. Scripture demonstrates an immediate response by some, but it may not be immediate for others. (See Acts 8:35–38)

  • Similar to one's initial decision to follow Christ, baptism is a one-time act. It is not something that Christians are called to do mulitple times. However, for some who were baptized as infants, they sense a calling to be baptized as adults, which is often called a "believers baptism".

  • Attend a Harbor Point baptism class (held the week before each baptism service, 3–4 times per year) or connect with a pastor. You can also let us know that you are interested in being baptized by following the link below and completing the form.



Child dedication is a time for parents to make a commitment before the church to raise their children in a faith-filled home. Child dedications are held 3-4 times per year.

For more information about child dedications, or the child dedication class contact Susan Hulse.